Community raises concerns over rough sleepers in Kirribilli and Milsons Point

North Sydney Council has recently been contacted by a number of local residents who have expressed concerns over the growing number of rough sleepers in the area, specifically Kirribilli and Milsons Point.

A council spokesperson confirmed to North Shore Living that over the last 10 years the number of people requesting assistance has increased in the LGA.

“At the same time, housing affordability has decreased,” the spokesperson said.

“Council commits to working closely with people who have experience of homelessness in order to ensure that service and policy responses adequately reflect the needs of this group.”

Residents of Kirribilli have expressed their thoughts and concerns on the Facebook community page Kirribilli connections.

“It’s a sad world we live in that so many homeless are literally left out in the cold…and then blamed for their own situation…”, wrote Merilyn.

“It’s a difficult situation to address. Whilst it may be unsightly to most, there is a human being that calls this home and is warm and comfortable to them and I’m for them having some warmth and a sense of a home,” writes Ben.

“How many tents are acceptable? One? Ten? A hundred? A thousand?,” Justin wrote.

The council spokesperson says that North Sydney Council partners with local support agencies, both government and non-government, to positively engage with those sleeping rough in the area.

“If a person consents, the Group provides assistance to connect rough sleepers to available and appropriate services,” they said.

Although council is working with support agencies to manage the situation, members of the community are concerned that, as the cost of living gets harder, the homeless situation could worsen.

“The way my rent and other life expenses are going ..I could also be setting up a tent next door to him,” Simon commented.