The council is inviting the community to comment on the draft Willoughby City Library Strategy 2024 – 2028.

The aim of the strategy is to outline the areas of focus relating to the library over the next four years, considering local aspirations, demographic changes and the financial context.

There are four themes withing the draft strategy: looking forward, connecting with the community, learning and creating with the community and Willoughby stories of a diverse community.

The library strategy is based on findings in Willoughby’s Community Strategic Plan – Our Future Willoughby 2032, is informed by community feedback and guided by advice and best practice from the State Library of NSW and the Australian Library and Information Association.

In 2022 to 2023 the seven libraries in Willoughby had over 680,000 visits, with 95 per cent of these to Chatswood library, 60,000 members and almost 600,000 loans and renewals.

The strategy will be funded through operational budgets and project funding with additional funding through the council’s budget process and some external funding will be required for some actions.

You can comment on the strategy here before 22 July.