Willoughby locals are invited to shape the revised Community Participation Plan, a crucial part of the Council’s Community Engagement Framework. This plan outlines how the community can share thoughts on planning decisions and when the Council involves residents in its planning functions under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.

The proposed changes include expanding the notification area to 200 meters for significant development applications, such as tall buildings in Chatswood CBD and projects on contaminated land, allowing more people to be informed.

Mayor Tanya Taylor highlighted the plan’s aim to help the community understand the planning process, so they can be better informed on how and when they can provide feedback on decisions that could impact on their future.

“Community participation is an integral part of the planning system and this is your chance to tell us what you think about our existing and proposed future processes.”

Residents can view the plan and give feedback through an online survey or submission until 11 December. For more information visit Have Your Say Willoughby.