Debacle over Narrabeen Sports High repairs

Rory Amon has called for urgent action to be taken at Narrabeen Sports High following a recent visit to the school, where he witnessed ‘black mould,’ ‘dilapidated stairways’, and ‘whole rooms bordered up’.

The Pittwater MP described the conditions to NSW Parliament: “moist carpets stripped back, exposing bare, hard concrete. Open cavities on the outside of the building exposing the roof to vermin, birds and pests.“

“I am ashamed that in Sydney in 2023, we, as a collective, have allowed this school to reach its current state,” Mr Amon says. “Children’s and teachers’ health and safety are compromised every single day. Frankly, I wouldn’t send my worst enemy there.”

A spokesperson for NSW Education Minister Prue Car told Peninsula Living Pittwater that the previous State Government had ‘promised significant upgrades five years ago’.

“Since then, the project has stalled, and the school community has a right to be disappointed about this.

“The new Minns Labor Government is committed to delivering much needed upgrades at Narrabeen Sports High School.”

It appears that money allocated for an upgrade in 2021 would not have been sufficient for a major expansion or rebuild.

A spokesperson from the NSW Department of Education said that a project was underway to deliver new and upgraded school facilities at both Narrabeen Sports High School and Narrabeen North Public School.

“There is funding to deliver the upgrade projects, and additional funding will be allocated to provide further essential repairs as part of the department’s maintenance budget,” the spokesperson said.

The Department of Education has also promised to deliver planned maintenance with priority given to roof replacement and the upgrading of three science labs to begin during term three.

At the time of writing, the department said contracts had not yet been signed. However, repairs had commenced.

School Infrastructure NSW will host a formal meeting shortly with the principal of Narrabeen High and parent representatives to discuss the scope and priority of the works required.