Independent member for Mackellar Sophie Scamps joined former Liberal MP and ultramarathon runner Pat Farmer on his ‘Run for the Voice on Sydney’s Northern Beaches on 22 August.

Dr Scamps ran with Mr Farmer from her electorate office in Narrabeen to Collaroy Beach in support of the Voice while supporters lined Pittwater Road during peak hour traffic.

Mr Farmer is currently completing a 14,400 km run around Australia in the lead up to the Referendum.

Dr Scamps, a former Olympic-level runner herself, said that what Mr Farmer was doing was ‘incredible’.

“He’s a former Liberal MP and he’s running up to 80 kilometres a day around the country because he believes wholeheartedly in the Voice.”

Dr Scamps said the Voice referendum is a ‘monumental moment in Australian history’.

“It’s our opportunity to step into the future on a positive note and to show the rest of the world what type of people we are. The referendum is a chance for Australia to show our generous and gracious hearts, not our small and fearful hearts.

Dr Scamps said that efforts to support First Nations Peoples to date have been ‘a dismal failure’.

“The reality is the proposal for a Voice could not be simpler – it will be an advisory body that will provide the opportunity for government to listen to the opinion of the people who will be affected by the policies government creates and implements.

“Sadly, the debate so far has been muddied for purely political reasons, but I believe that Australians will rise to this moment in history.”