Although Cammeray Park used to be a sanctuary for local animals, since land clearing for the Western Harbour Tunnel began, there are fewer places for native birds, possums, and ducks to nest. That’s why North Sydney Council is installing 10 nestboxes as a trial in Anzac Park and Warringa Road Reserve.

The boxes have been 3D-printed, with a UV-stabilised plastic shell for longevity and thick timber inserts for insulation. The boxes will help protect species such as the Sulphur-crested Cockatoo; Long-billed and Little Corella; Common Ringtail and Brush-tail Possum; Musk and Rainbow Lorikeet; and Laughing Kookaburra among others.

Council will also carve some hollows into existing trees to give refuge to local animals.

To help to create a home for the native wildlife, Council invites locals to put a nestbox in their garden. To learn more on how to get a nestbox, visit its website or contact Council’s Customer Service Centre.