Bid to limit noise impact on local residents

Proposals to increase the opening hours of Peninsular Firearm Academy (PFA) shooting range in Belrose and for additional ranges at the adjacent St Ives Pistol Club (SIPC) were approved by the Northern Beaches Local Planning Panel at its meeting on 4 December.

PFA proposed an extra five operational days per week and one evening, in addition to its existing one Sunday a month.

However, the panel approved three days for rimfire (ammunition typically quieter than centrefire), including a Saturday; and two days for centrefire to run concurrently with the rimfire days on Tuesday and Saturday.

Jenny Harris from the Duffys Forest Resident Association said it was ‘very disappointed with a 1,300% intensification of shooting activities at the academy, without adequate conditions which respond to noise affecting the immediate neighbours adjoining the club.’

“The shooting has a profound effect on enjoyment of their property and the noise is variable depending on the wind.”

Conny Harris made a submission on behalf of the Belrose Rural Community Association and stated that the noise from the academy and club carried ‘over extensive distances through the valleys of Belrose’ as far as Wyatt Avenue. One speaker who addressed the panel in person said he could hear ‘pops’ from his home in Terrey Hills.

No shooting is permitted on a Saturday when the range is open on a Sunday; or on public holidays, with the exception of ANZAC Day.

The proposal attracted 180 submissions, 35 objections and 145 in support.

SIPC’s proposal to add five cross pistol ranges for recreational use, and for competition up to four times a year, was approved by the panel concurrently with the PFA application, and the impacts of both considered.

However, SIPC’s operational hours on its existing five ranges have been reduced to match the new PFA approved hours. A total of 168 submissions – 147 in support and 21 objections were received for the SIPC application. Concerns mostly related to acoustic impacts, which, due to the additional ranges, had the potential to affect adjoining residential areas if left unrestricted.

SIPC’s approved hours will be three days a week, with no operations on public holidays except ANZAC Day.

Noise compliance testing is to be carried out at both sites within 12 months.