Widening needed urgently, MP claims

The State Government has confirmed that the widening of Mona Vale Road will be ‘deferred’ for two years, despite having already prepared a business case for the project.

A spokesperson for Transport for NSW confirmed to Peninsula Living Pittwater that the Mona Vale Road West project, as it is known, would go ahead.

“Transport for New south Wales has developed a final business case for this project which will reduce the lead time to go to market and get the project into construction in future,” the spokesperson said.

This is despite claims by Pittwater MP Rory Amon that the State Government has ‘lied’ about the deferral and will actually cancel the project. “Nowhere in this Government’s budget is funding for this project committed beyond the alleged two-year deferral,” Mr Amon said in Parliament on 17 October.

Mr Amon said there had been 10 accidents this year on Mona Vale Road, the most serious occurring on the section of the road where the widening was planned. The Liberal politician added in Parliament that Mona Vale Road west ‘remains a dangerous goat track from a bygone era’.

“The road upgrade is about saving lives,” Mr Amon said. “The longer the Government delays this vital project, the worse off our community is.”

On 10 October, Premier Chris Minns claimed on ABC Sydney that widening of Mona Vale Road was not needed. Asked if he thought the widening should occur, given the Beaches Link had been cancelled, Mr Minns replied:

“No, I don’t believe so. There is a case for road upgrades right across Sydney. It’s all about severity and we are applying a needs-based approach to infrastructure spending.”

Mr Amon has commenced a petition he intends to present in Parliament to request the Government proceed with widening of Mona Vale Road west, with over 3,000 signatures to date. The $350 million project had been guaranteed by the previous Liberal State Government.

In terms of the current works at Mona Vale Road east, the Transport for NSW spokesperson confirmed that most of the major work on the project is expected to be completed by December. Some minor work will be carried out in the New Year, the spokesperson added.