Vinnies Connect | Allambie Heights


Vinnies Connect is a program which matches community members who are in need of guidance and support, with a mentor to help them achieve their goals.

They could have goals to learn more about computers; develop musical skills; increase their physically fitness or just meet people in the local community.

As a Vinnies Connect mentor you will be matched with someone of your choice, who you will meet with regularly, on a weekly or fortnightly basis, for a period of 12 months. During this time, progress, but not completion, may be made on a large goal. Equally, many smaller goals may be be achieved.

This volunteer role is an opportunity to make a positive difference in someone’s life.

People who are positive and patient; possess some skills specific to the needs of an individual; and are willing to listen, guide and empower someone else to take decisions and actions are welcome to apply. Mentoring training is provided.

To apply, visit the SeekVolunteers website.