NSW Government introduced a Nature Repair Market Bill as part of its plan to improve Australia’s environmental laws. The Bill will be up for debate in Parliament over the coming weeks.

Member for North Sydney Kylea Tink will be hosting an online community forum via Zoom on all things nature, ‘Let’s talk nature,’ to be held on 13 June from 7.30 to 8.30pm. Alongside experts, she will discuss the Nature Repair Market Bill and the broader EPBC Act reforms.

Ms Tink will also is inviting the local community to have their say on this matter by participating in the Nature Repair Market Community survey.

The Nature Repair Market Bill, and its consequential amendments, would provide a framework for a voluntary national market that delivers improved biodiversity outcomes.

When a landholder conducts a project to repair or protect nature, they will be issued with a certificate that can be sold to a third party like a philanthropist, business, government, or an individual, where it can be used to offset their negative impacts on nature.

The Government listed a nature repair market as a commitment in the Nature Positive Plan, the response to the independent review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (Samuel Review) and the 2021 State of the Environment Report. The main objective is to facilitate investment in nature for businesses and individuals.

The community survey will give people the opportunity to have their say and express their opinion on this matter.

To register for the zoom community forum, visit https://events.humanitix.com/let-s-talk-nature, and to participate in the survey, visit https://93847pfal7v.typeform.com/to/sR9EMSiF?typeform-source=events.humanitix.com