Northern Sydney local health district’s (NSLHD) employee resource network for disability (ERNoD) has been actively involved in creating workplaces that are more inclusive for people with a disability.

ERNoD is a voluntary, employee-led group, (formed as part of the district’s diversity, inclusion and belonging strategy 2020 to 2022) which meets bi-monthly to discuss ways to better support people with a disability, as well as their supporters and carers.

It is understood the NSLHD’s ERNoD along with various business leaders, advocates and experts are involved in examining how accessibility and inclusion can best be promoted and embedded in organisations.

Royal North Shore hospital occupational therapist and ERNoD representative Elise Kerle said more than four million people in Australia have some form of disability, but there’s only about three per cent within the NSLHD who identify as disabled.

“We must ensure we create opportunities for people who identify as disabled to feel comfortable working here,” Ms Kerle said.

Ms Kerle also said NSLHD is always open to people with a disability, as well as carers and advocates for the employment of people with a disability.