North Sydney Council is updating the Homelessness Strategy, a guide to how to support people experiencing homelessness, as well as those at risk of becoming homeless.

Data released by the ABS from the 2021 Census noted a decreased in people experiencing homelessness, from 411 people in 2016 to a total of 327 people reported being homeless in North Sydney.

Council will gather current information on the local needs and issues that affect individuals who are experiencing homelessness, or who are at risk of becoming homeless, by offering the opportunity to participate in the Homelessness Strategy Review by completing a preliminary survey by mid mid-April.

More details will be provided once the draft has been prepared and reported to Council for endorsement to exhibit for 42 days and feedback will be sought on the Strategy during the exhibition period.

For more information and to complete the survey, visit North Sydney Council website. Survey will be available on the website until Friday 28 April 2023.