The Our Future, Your Duty concert and rally in St Leonards Park in North Sydney on 28 July from 2pm to 5pm will bring together climate activist Anjali Sharma, Independent MP Kylea Tink, and North Sydney Council to call for the federal government to recognise its responsibility to future generations and fight for intergenerational inequity.

The line-up of artists includes Ruby Jackson, Astrovan and Røsemary, as well as Sweet Baby Darlings, with all artists either having lived or attended a school in the federal electorate of North Sydney.

The free, all-age, drug and alcohol-free concert is expected to draw hundreds of locals. It aims to build momentum to urge the legislation of a federal Duty of Care Act to protect future generations from the harms of climate change.

Anjali Sharma, from the Duty of Care campaign, said: “It’s a known fact that climate change will disproportionately impact the lives of current and future generations, and our politicians are making decisions right now that will intrinsically shape what our futures will look like. It is only logical that this gives rise to a duty that our elected representatives only exercise their powers in a way that will not have detrimental impacts on our health and wellbeing.”

Independent MP Kylea Tink MP said Australian laws ‘fall short in holding our government responsible for the environmental impacts of its decisions and the fossil fuel projects it approves’.

“If a government doesn’t have a positive duty of care to ensure the decisions it makes don’t negatively impact future generations, what is its job?” asks Ms Tink.

“Yet two consecutive federal governments have now rejected the idea. We must demand better.”

Tickets are now available to the free event via Humantix.