Police are encouraging road users to look out for each other while travelling on NSW roads this Easter Long Weekend, ahead of a state-wide operation.

NSW Police launched Easter Operation 2024 focused on reducing road fatalities and road trauma this holiday weekend. The operation will begin on 28 March and run until 11.59pm on 1 April.

Double-demerit points are in force throughout the period for speeding, seatbelt, mobile phone and motorcycle helmet offences.

Officers will also be targeting other high-risk driver behaviour, including the Four Ds: drink, drug, dangerous and distracted driving.

Seven people lost their lives during the Easter long weekend in 2023 with a total of 14,564 traffic infringement notices issued for speeding, a further 326 people were charged for drink-driving offences, while 311 people were issued infringements for mobile phone usage.

Road Trauma Support Group spokesperson, Mrs Roxanne Arnold, whose husband was killed in a crash in 2019, would like everyone to think about the impact one wrong choice can have on the road.

“People think road trauma will never happen to them – but it can – one bad decision can have a lifetime of impacts for victims, their families and their friends. Please think about the choices you make when you get behind the wheel so that no one has to experience a missing family member or friend at their table this Easter,” she said.