Tackling obesity at Delmar Private Hospital

Obesity stands as a formidable healthcare challenge, particularly in NSW. This pervasive issue extends globally, bringing forth a spectrum of physical, psychological and metabolic health complexities. Within Australia, the prevalence of obesity is notably high, ranking the country fifth among OECD nations in obesity rates. Data spanning 2017 to 2019 highlights that approximately one third (31 per cent) of Australian adults contend with obesity, translating to about 14 million individuals grappling with being overweight or obese, with nearly two in every three adults and one in four children affected.

Nearly 2 in every 3 adults and 1 in 4 children are grappling with overweight or obesity issues.

For over a decade, Delmar Private Hospital in Dee Why has been at the forefront of providing bariatric surgery services, earning recognition for its humble contributions to the field. Our committed team of surgeons actively engages with the Bariatric Surgery Registry, diligently monitoring patient outcomes through regular reports. This registry is steadfast in its mission to encompass all bariatric patients in research efforts, ensuring the safety and efficacy of bariatric surgeries not only within Australia but also extending to New Zealand.

Australia ranks fifth among OECD nations in obesity rates

Delmar Private Hospital conducts bariatric surgeries on a monthly basis, offering tangible solutions and hope to individuals grappling with obesity-related concerns. These interventions often yield significant improvements or resolutions in obesity-related health issues, highlighting the effectiveness of bariatric surgery in addressing the pressing healthcare needs of our community, both in NSW and throughout Australia.


Delmar Private Hospital

58 Quirk St, Dee Why

9982 7655

