North Sydney to be abolished under AEC proposal

Residents living in Killarney Heights, Forestville, Dee Why and North Curl Curl will move out of Warringah into the Federal seat of Mackellar under a proposed redistribution.

The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) announced its plan on 14 June to abolish North Sydney in its attempt to reduce NSW seats in the House of Representatives by one. This would see the boundaries of Mackellar, currently held by Independent Sophie Scamps, move west in an attempt to increase electors in that seat which is under quota, with Warringah also needing to gain numbers, which it would take from North Sydney.

Warringah MP Zali Steggall, who has held the seat since 2019, said the changes would see an increase of 21,152 electors to make up the seat’s quota. “I have proudly represented Warringah and all its localities for the past five years and have a strong affection for all areas throughout the electorate.

“However, I do understand that in order to grow, coastal electorates like Warringah and Mackellar need to move west. Both (North Sydney MP Kylea Tink) and I put in proposals which included Warringah’s borders moving slightly further west; I am disappointed at the scale of what has been proposed for North Sydney, because it is likely to result in the loss of an independent seat.”

Dr Scamps has said it was ‘good news’ that the suburbs of Dee Why and Forestville, which were previously divided between two electorates, had been reunited. “Having suburbs split is undesirable and something that the AEC tries hard to avoid as it strives to maintain cohesion within communities of interest.”

The electorates of Mackellar, Warringah and North Sydney are all held by ‘teal’ community independents who were supported financially at the 2022 Federal Election by the environment- focussed Climate 200 fundraising group.

Ms Steggall came out in support of Ms Tink after news of North Sydney’s proposed abolition, saying the MP had done a ‘stellar’ job since her election in 2022. Ms Tink faces an uncertain future given she will have to change seats or try for the Senate to continue in politics.

“My fellow Independent, Kylea Tink, has done a fantastic job representing her community,” Ms Steggall said. “She is an excellent MP and has my full support.”

Ms Steggall added that if the boundaries remained as proposed, she would be ‘looking forward to welcoming and serving the many new constituents in Warringah should I be re-elected’.

Objections to the proposal close 12 July, with a final determination expected on 10 October.