Mosman Art Gallery has proudly revealed a new sculpture paying tribute to the remarkable contributions of two cherished volunteers, the late Stanley and Diane Wachman. Nest was created by sculptor Samantha Stephenson and is prominently displayed along the Vista Street approach to the gallery. The project was made possible with the support of the Wachman and Fairbairn families.

Stephenson’s design captures Diane’s deep connection to woven materials, featuring a captivating ribbon-like structure. As a devoted needlepoint artist and a founding member of the Festival of Mosman Committee, Diane, alongside her husband, dedicated an impressive 22 years to the gallery as volunteers.

By showcasing Nest, Mosman Council aims to honour the unwavering commitment of its local volunteer community and ensure a lasting tribute to the enduring impact made by Diane and Stanley.

Image caption: (Left to right) Mosman Mayor Carolyn Corrigan and Sculptor Samantha Stephenson with Jonathan Wachman and Melissa Fairbairn