North Shore lawyer Nikki Cassar reveals what life is like volunteering in the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) Mosman Unit.

It’s been a wild few months across the lower North Shore, with homes, businesses and roads flooded due to the fierce storms and rising waters – and winter hasn’t even kicked in yet.

One person who has been at the heart of it is Nikki Cassar – a lawyer by day, and a chainsaw-wielding, boat-driving volunteer for the NSW SES Mosman Unit at night… Well, in her spare time.

“There’s been a lot of storm damage – trees down, leaking roofs, flooding and stormwater run-off, and coming into people’s houses over the last few months,” says Nikki, who joined the unit in 2013.

“It’s a really good community and I love the fact I get to use a different side of my brain to my usual work as a lawyer.

“Being in the SES is very much practical hands-on and I get to learn skills I’d never have the opportunity to learn as a lawyer, like fixing tiles on roofs, cutting up trees with a chainsaw and driving boats helping people in the floods.

“The best part of it helping people and doing what I can for the community.”

As well as being a qualified boat and chainsaw operator, Naremburn resident Nikki – who has her Five Year Service Award and will get her 10 Year in 2023 – says there is constant ongoing training in various fields.

“No matter what your skills, qualifications are, there is something for everyone in the SES. It puts you through lots of training. The boat operator course took about 41 hours of training.

“It takes safety very seriously, as it should, so the training is really stringent before they deem you competent.

“I always tell people if they are interested and have the time, join the SES as you get to learn a lot of different skills, and you only dedicate the time you have.

“There is something for everyone in the SES, no matter what your skills and qualifications are.

“There’s also that feel-good factor of helping people.”

If you are interested in finding out more about the SES or volunteering, visit