Freshwater Nutrition’s Charity and Peta King, share how they overcame serious illness and significant debt and won USD $96,000 on ‘Name That Tune’.

2020 was the year that brought the world to a standstill. But for Charity and Peta, Covid-19 was simply another blow in a period already fraught with stress, illness, and debt.

“Everything felt ready to cave in on us,” explains Charity.

“I was in so much pain with severe eczema and we were paying for treatment on my credit card because I wasn’t eligible for Medicare. We were staying in a dodgy apartment in Brookvale and cars and motorcycles were being set on fire beneath our place.

“Our partner Visa cost about $20,000 and on top of that our wedding in Hawaii was cancelled because of Covid. We felt alone, in debt, and terrified of our own home.”

It was also during 2020 that Hollywood shut down and moved a number of its filming projects to Australia, including several game shows.

“One day I was messaged by a producer looking for Americans living in Australia. We ended up applying for The Amazing Race. Unfortunately, we didn’t get through to the final, but they had a music show that needed American contestants – Name That Tune.”

However, during filming, despite Charity’s extensive music knowledge, she found herself falling far behind her opponent.

Contestants Lee and Charity in Name That Tune. CR: Michael Becker/FOX.

Charity recalls, “I saw Peta in the crowd and realised that I cannot be here and lose this. This is my chance to get myself back on board. And I did. I got through to the final round and won USD $96,000.”

Two weeks after her astounding gameshow comeback, Charity and Peta eloped to the Hunter Valley.

“We had a string of good luck after that and even won our honeymoon to Byron Bay,” she said.

After paying off their credit card debt the couple had money left over. They noticed a vacant space in Freshwater Arcade and within a week they had signed the lease and opened Freshwater Nutrition shortly after.

“Freshwater Nutrition was a dream of mine. I knew I wanted to help people eat and do what they enjoy, to heal toxic food relationships, and make nutrition easy, practical and affordable,” explains Charity.

“My health issues in 2020 were made so much better thanks to nutrition and natural therapies.

“Our side hustle is also inclusivity and LGBTQI representation on the Northern Beaches. Visibility saves and improves lives. Our social media shares yummy recipes but also is a platform for education on this topic.”

The episode of Below Deck featuring the pair will be aired this Friday 17th June. 

Helen Knight is a freelance copywriter and regular contributor. She lives in the Northern Beaches and loves writing stories about local people and the community.