Health & Environment Coastal and estuary grantsBy noauthorThursday, 23rd October NB0 Northern Beaches council is being granted $86,668 of funding to go towards a coastal management program (CMP) designed to secure...
News Council gets behind Beaches’ SLSCsBy noauthorWednesday, 22nd October PW0 Northern Beaches council has announced it will work alongside 16 surf life saving clubs in the community by offering the...
News Plans rejected for Newport SLSCBy noauthorWednesday, 22nd October PW0 Northern Beaches council’s development application for the alterations and additions to Newport surf life saving club (SLSC) has been refused...
Health & Environment Beaches’ water quality ranked ‘poor’By noauthorTuesday, 21st October NB0 NSW government’s latest state of the beaches report has graded the water quality of a number of swimming locations across...
Health & Environment Eco heroes of the Northern BeachesBy noauthorTuesday, 21st October NB0 Winners of the Northern Beaches eco awards 2022 were announced at a community ceremony held by Northern Beaches council on...
Local Government Council apprenticeships poses potentialBy noauthorTuesday, 21st October PW0 Northern Beaches council has recommended nine new apprenticeships to be rolled out in the next two financial years in support...
Local Government Recommended community grants for PittwaterBy noauthorTuesday, 21st October PW0 Northern Beaches council has announced the recommended funding for project applications under the community development grants across the Northern Beaches....
Health & Environment Beaches residents rally for the koalasBy noauthorFriday, 17th October PW0 Animal justice groups and residents across the Northern Beaches attended a rally for the koalas on 30 September, also known...
Local Government Council grants for WorldPride 2023By noauthorFriday, 17th October PW0 Northern Beaches council has announced placemaking grant applications for Sydney WorldPride 2023 are now open. Aiming to encourage the community...
Health & Environment Beaches continue to phase out plasticBy noauthorFriday, 17th October PW0 Northern Beaches council has announced it will continue to phase out single-use plastic with the next stage of the ban...