WilloBees serve up some fun

What is the appeal of pickleball, and why is everyone suddenly talking about it? A mix of badminton, table tennis and tennis, it’s played with a paddle and plastic ball called a wiffle. It’s one of the fastest-growing sports in Australia.

Played on a hard surface indoors or outdoors, the game is fun and challenging, easy to learn and suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

The WilloBees, a not-for-profit pickleball club, began in 2023 and has about 300 members. President Donna Jay says they started in Willoughby, hence the name, but now play in other areas.

They’ve changed their name to North Shore Pickleball Association, but still refer to themselves as the WilloBees. “It’s very easy to learn but hard to master,” Donna says.

“Rules are similar to tennis, but you have to serve to win a point.

“So when you lose a point, the other people serve, and they serve until they lose.

“We have an area that’s called the non-volley zone, but we like to call it the ‘kitchen,’” explains Donna. “You can’t hit the ball in this area. You’ve got to keep out of the kitchen!”

There are four players on court, with each game taking 10 minutes.

“You can play singles, which covers the whole court, but most people play doubles,” she says. “It’s really up to you how much you want to run.”

Donna in action

Donna describes it as a very social sport which is suitable for everyone, including those with a disability. She says she had one player with Parkinson’s disease who saw improvements in her mobility.

“It’s such a beautiful, inclusive game,” Donna says. “We have family days once a month where people bring their kids or their grandparents. You watch young people playing on one court and parents on the other, and then they’ll play together. It’s great for family bonding.”

The club runs weekly introduction and coaching sessions, and competitions too.

Venues include new purpose-built outdoor courts at Willis Park on Eastern Valley Way in Chatswood, and the North Sydney Indoor Sports Centre at Crows Nest.

If you want to try pickleball, visit willobees.au