NSW Liberals and Independents vow to outlaw offshore mining

The NSW Liberal Government has promised it will introduce a bill to outlaw mining off the Northern Beaches if it wins the election this month.

The move comes just 12 days after Independent candidates for Pittwater and Manly – Jacqui Scruby and Joeline Hackman – declared they had a bill ‘ready to go’ to stop gas exploration licences off NSW’s coastline.

The Petroleum Exploration Permit 11 (PEP-11) would allow gas and oil exploration from Manly, up the Northern Beaches and all the way to Newcastle.

Controversy over PEP-11 occurred last year when it was revealed former Prime Minister Scott Morrison had rejected an application by Advent Energy to renew its exploration permit – but he had no authority to do so.

Now, the Federal Court has quashed Mr Morrison’s decision, which allows Advent to reapply for permission to continue exploration off the Northern Beaches.

On 13 February Warringah MP Zali Steggall introduced a bill in Federal Parliament to stop PEP-11. Ms Steggall told Peninsula Living that her bill – which is supported by the Greens and many crossbenchers – was needed ‘even more now’ following the Federal Court decision.

“A key advantage of my bill is that it provides a fast and simple resolution to end PEP-11, because legislating would help to close the door not just on the application, but on any further legal challenges,” she said.

While the PEP-11 decision rests with a joint state/federal authority, ‘teal’ candidates like Jacqui Scruby say if their proposed Protect Our Beaches bill is introduced, it would stop PEP-11.

Ms Scruby said it was clear that the NSW Government had decided to legislate against offshore mining following pressure from herself and other Independent candidates.

“It is a phenomenal win for community movements,” she said.

“If Independents can effectively change laws without even spending one day in parliament, imagine what we can do if we win this election.”

The election will occur on 25 March.