Council has called for an independent review of its Olympic Pool.

North Sydney Council has called for an independent review into the North Sydney Olympic Pool redevelopment to ensure the project remains on track.

Council says the review has been prompted by delays and cost variations created by a range of factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic and La Nina.

Works began on the site in March last year with the original completion date expected this month. The completion date was then revised to July 2023, but may now be later.

Mayor Zoe Baker said Council would appoint a suitably qualified consultant to review the management of the project, including its governance structure and financing model.

“It is no secret that during the last term of Council, I (with Councillor Beregi and former Cr Carr) consistently opposed the design, scale and cost of the North Sydney Olympic Pool redevelopment, particularly the significant $30 million in borrowings for the $63.8 million project,” Mayor Baker said.

“It is now clear that we are running over time and budget.”

Mayor Baker said the Council would not pre-empt the independent review by guessing at new timeframes or costs.

“A probity advisor has also been appointed who will be independent of the steering committee and report directly to Council’s Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee each quarter. I have also asked Council’s Acting General Manager to explore how we can best fund any increase in costs.”

Cr Baker said the review was not a reflection on the building contractor or the quality of their work.

“Council wants to review our role in relation to this project to ensure we have the best possible support and structures in place for the remainder of the work.”