On 14 September, every registered resident and business owner will vote in the local government elections.

Candidate answers have been edited for space and clarity.


There are 266,000 residents on the Northern Beaches, and council has a $450 million budget. Characterised by much-loved surf beaches and natural beauty, development density, coastal management and lack of sufficient transport infrastructure have become major issues for the region.


Vincent De Luca | Independent

I am the longest serving independent councillor, having been on Warringah Council from 2008 to 2016, then NBC from 2017. The proposals by the State Government to increase development across the Beaches, while cutting the budget for existing infrastructure such as the $340 million to Mona Vale Road, as well as the maternity and youth mental health wards at Northern Beaches Hospital, is a disgrace. It will completely change our community and not for the better. We struggle with choked roads, parking and traffic chaos, and to double development targets and increase height will turn us into Chatswood. I will continue to block high-rise and inappropriate development, as I have successfully done over many years. I have been a strong voice against rate rises and want to continue my work in protecting our community and service to youth suicide, drug, alcohol and domestic violence prevention.

Adam Hughes | Your Northern Beaches Independent Team (YNBIT)

I am dedicated to supporting and advocating for services that create a healthy, inclusive, safe, and accessible Northern Beaches community. I believe in the importance of involving the community in decisions that affect them, ensuring their voices are heard and valued. I bring over 30 years experience in NSW education. As the principal of a Northern Beaches public school, I have developed a deep connection to the community. My extensive background equips me with the skills and insights to effectively serve on council. If elected, I will advocate for projects impacting our local environment, such as public transport, beach replenishment, and developments. My goals include maintaining the Northern Beaches as a great place to live by protecting our sense of community, and supporting services that build a healthy, inclusive, safe, and affordable community.

Chris Jackson | Your Northern Beaches Independent Team

I am passionate about supporting men’s mental health through healthy life choices and social cohesion. I served in the Australian Army, studied at The Queensland Conservatorium of Music, volunteer weekly in my community and have been working in public transport for 15 years, both as a driver and now as a duty officer at Keolis Downer Northern Beaches. I will work hard to support local communities, build better infrastructure and strengthen social cohesion by maintaining and improving council services.

Ruth Robins | Your Northern Beaches Independent Team

I was elected to council in 2021, and have been on council’s community safety advisory committee, property committee, and the PCYC reference group. I want to continue to make sure the people of Narrabeen Ward have a voice. I believe in the importance of involving the community in decisions that affect them, ensuring accountability and transparency for strong governance and financial sustainability. I love being part of my community and I want to make sure it remains connected and caring, and a great place to live. I have extensive experience of the management and governance of community organisations and council.

I volunteer for a local charity, serve on the board of two community organisations and am a member of the Warriewood Residents Association. If elected I want to ensure the residents of the Narrabeen Ward have a voice in decisions that affect the future of the area. Protection of the natural environment and natural waterways, especially Narrabeen Lagoon, is so important. I want to see support and advocacy for services that build a healthy, inclusive, safe and affordable community, and make sure council is spending money wisely to get the best value on behalf of our community.

Sue Wright | ALP

I have been interested and active in our community for a number of years, and I see council as a way to continue and increase this involvement. I bring my own unique experience as a fourth generation resident, a former small business owner, as Northern Beaches convenor of LEAN (Labor Environment Action Network) and as a long-time activist. My causes have included fundraising for public schools, retaining the Freshwater ferries, non-privatisation of public buses, and I was the organiser of the ‘Yes’ Voice to Parliament rally. If elected, I would like to help residents with cost of living pressures; more community kindergartens; less privatisation of council services and more local apprenticeships and improving the management of council finances. Also, to facilitate housing for our pensioners, homeless members of our community and for essential workers. Other priorities are protecting and enriching our local coastline and bushlands; and for the council to work with the state and federal governments to improve coastal management, making our community a safer place to live and work, with better lighting at bus stops and in parks’ parking for our essential and medical workers and increased funding for domestic violence shelters and refuges.


Judith Charnaud | Your Northern Beaches Independent Team

The Northern Beaches is a wonderful part of Sydney, with friendly people, social cohesion, an active business community, high quality schooling and beautiful environment. I strongly believe that YNBIT is the best group to bring this about – a team of independents who vote the way their community wants, and is not restrained along party lines, but has the common aim of enhancing our lifestyle. I bring a wealth of experience in education, environmental sustainability and community involvement. I have worked nationally and internationally with schools, business and government departments in both voluntary and paid positions which has given me expertise in dispute resolution and working alongside stakeholders at all levels. If elected I would like to achieve success in fostering youth involvement, help small business to grow through tourism and entertainment and encourage locals to use the services provided within our community. All this while retaining the natural charm of the region, both its ecosystems and biodiversity. We want a vibrant community involved in the Northern Beaches through schooling, business, entrepreneurship, tourism and entertainment at all stages of life while keeping the natural habitat sustainably intact.

Rowie Dillon | Your Northern Beaches Independent Team

I intend to represent the different needs of the ward and make a difference, whether the issue is in Mona Vale, Palm Beach, Whale Beach, Avalon, Terrey Hills, offshore communities or Cottage Point. I have represented the Newport Chamber of Commerce at meetings across the ward and the Northern Beaches, attending groups as far ranging as residents’ associations, to surf lifesaving clubs, always advocating for and supporting the local community. If elected I want to enhance community services, support local businesses and protect Pittwater’s village character.

Miranda Korzy | Australian Greens

I’ve been on council since 2021 and am running again because I love Pittwater’s beautiful environment, which I want to protect, and passionately believe in the importance of a strong community. We also have unfinished business from last term, with the new Local Environment Plan, which governs development in the council area, yet to be finalised. Additionally, I want to see the tree canopy plan, which I shepherded through council last year, fully bedded down. I’m a journalist, an activist and a mother – a mixture of experiences that prepare you for most things! I’ve always been involved in the community, having helped found Canopy Keepers and Protect Pittwater, and as a member of the Save Mona Vale Hospital committee. On council, I’ve represented the Northern Beaches on the Sydney Coastal Councils Group, and have been active on a range of working groups including coastal management (which I established) and world pride. During my first term, I’ve worked with the community to retain more than 3,600 properties in our conservation zones that council staff had proposed moving to residential. However, our new planning rules are yet to be finalised and I want to ensure they safeguard Pittwater’s character. I also want to bring recognition of climate change to the forefront of council planning – both on land and along our coastline. My other priorities include securing more compliance officers, more funding for tree management and bush regeneration, and to end the rollout of synthetic turf, which is so environmentally damaging. Finally, I will continue to pursue renovations to our ageing rockpools.

Sunny Singh | Liberal Party

I believe council is run by the Your Northern Beaches Independent Team and Greens. Like many small business owners and young families in Pittwater, I feel the impact of inflation and cost of living crisis. By next year, I believe that if elected, YNBIT and Greens will likely have increased your rates. At the same time, council has lost focus on delivering core services – roads, rates, rubbish, recreation – footpaths, parks and sports fields. Council must focus on delivering core services. If elected, I will support small business by cutting red tape. I will stand against inappropriate development to stop the Labor State Government allowing developers to nearly triple apartment building heights to 27 metres and doubling housing density; fight for the infrastructure we need – new footpaths, fixing roads and potholes, including floodproofing Wakehurst Parkway, and fighting for the State Government to widen Mona Vale Road West; and support commencing off-leash dog trials on small sections of Mona Vale Beach and Palm Beach.

Ian White | Your Northern Beaches Independent Team

I was previously a councillor on the Northern Beaches, from 2017 to 2021. I have contributed as chair of the Built Environment Committee and was instrumental in the development of the Northern Beaches affordable housing policy. I also served as rotational chair of the Northern Beaches Bush Fire Management Committee for 11 years. I have always been passionate about preserving the unique bush and beach environment in Pittwater and am an avid supporter of the local arts community, including supporting the installation of public art on the Northern Beaches Coastal walk. I bring knowledge of Pittwater and share the past historical council decisions to my fellow Pittwater candidates. I know it’s an extreme longshot to be elected but I am still passionate about preserving the natural environment, affordable housing and vibrant and inclusive communities.