On 14 September, every eligible resident aged 18 must vote in the Local Government Elections. This is our first feature on the Lower North Shore councils, with another to follow in September.

Candidate answers have been edited for space and clarity


Mosman has 30,000 residents, with 40 per cent of residents aged 50 or over. It is an area characterised by natural beauty, with several harbourside beaches, and the Sydney Harbour National Park. Spit and Military roads run through the middle of Mosman as two of the busiest in Sydney. It has a popularly elected mayor.


ROY BENDALL | Mosman Better

I have served on Mosman Council for 12 years, with five terms as deputy mayor. I’m passionate about making Mosman the best it can be. I love the Mosman community deeply, and I believe that by lifting service levels and focusing on residents’ needs and our environment, we can make it even better. I’m committed to leveraging everything we love about Mosman and taking it to the next level. We live in the best community in Australia, however we can make Mosman even better by addressing: service levels, traffic, excessive development, footpaths and vibrancy for our night time economy – while protecting and fostering our natural environment. It is time to expand the benefits of this community to all residents by introducing a 24-hour council concierge service and a rental advisory service. We need to encourage more sea grasses so we have turtles in more than one bay. Let’s strive together to make Mosman better.


Serving Mosman

I bring to the mayoral role a diverse leadership background in commercial, volunteering and sporting environments, combined with an MBA. I am calm under pressure and a fast learner. I am an experienced team player and will bring a fresh perspective to coun-cil. I have worked with Carolyn Corrigan and the Serving Mosman team to ensure a seamless transition that will continue to deliver trustworthy and experienced, capable leadership. I have been door knocking the community and Mosman residents say the community has not been given a say on the government mandated housing reforms. I would like to ensure Mosman’s infrastructure is adequate to manage proposed increases in housing density; enhance recreational facilities, including Pickleball courts and adding directional lighting to council facilities; and promote the creation of a ‘Library of Things’ to encourage community sharing.



Serving Mosman

Currently the deputy mayor, I am running for council as I believe I can continue to add value to this community by bringing financial acumen, extensive governance experience and a passion for inclusion to the table. Sustainable development that does not destroy the amenity and village atmosphere of Mosman is a significant issue. The government’s increased housing targets are inextricably linked to more traffic and a greater demand for parking. Council needs to do everything within its power to safeguard the public interest. If elected I would review: access for people of all abilities to swim at beaches; the footpath upgrade program, given the number of residents using mobility aids; and reducing speed limits in areas of high pedestrian activity.


Serving Mosman

I love Mosman and want to uphold the excellent teamwork and positive culture that has developed between council and the community over my terms as mayor. If elected, I will continue to deliver sensible and fair decisions, thereby ensuring ongoing financial sustainability. I will continue working to enhance the liveability and vitality of Mosman, with a particular focus on environmental stewardship and supporting our wonderful local businesses. If elected I would progress plans for a new library with input from our youth; continue to push the government to increase tree vandalism penalties; and review dog off-leash areas.


Serving Mosman

I have been a councillor since 2021 and am seeking re-election to further our collective progress in environmental protection and sustainable transport solutions. As co-chair of two council committees, I work to address critical issues that impact our natural and built environments. These leadership positions have allowed me to steer initiatives aimed at improving pedestrian safety, reducing traffic congestion and championing the council’s efforts to achieve net zero emissions by 2030. Residents want a council they can trust, transparent in leadership with accountable governance structures. If elected I will promote activation of shared zones in high-traffic pedestrian areas such as Vista Street; address the housing crisis responsibly while fighting against inappropriate state planning reforms; and support local business to ensure Mosman continues to thrive as a vibrant and sustainable community.


Australian Greens

I am running as the first Greens candidate in Mosman. It is a natural progression building on my 30 years as a volunteer to the Mosman community. I am a business owner with financial acumen and experience in project management, fundraising and activism. I have been a volunteer with the Scouts for 30 years and am a member of the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust. I raised funds for the restoration of the Barn Whaling Station and the Port Jackson Boat Shed restoration. Over-development, traffic, protection of our natural environment and the cost of living crisis looms large. The most important contribution I can make is to develop the trust of the local community in knowing that I will listen, understand and support as required.



I am running for council with an independent group headed by Simon Menzies as I believe I can offer common sense, stability and independence. I have been a councillor for 16 years and deputy mayor twice. The main issues the residents would like addressed would be preventing too much high-rise development plus traffic and parking issues. I would like to see all our sporting fields upgraded, including facilities for girls sport and encourage more outdoor dining and nightlife.


Mosman Better

As an accomplished not-for-profit director, a former nurse, mum and life member of Mosman Netball Club, I bring a well-rounded and accomplished experience to council. As a previous councillor (2017 to 2021), I concentrated on improving access to parks and sporting facilities, especially for children and women. However, there is more to achieve. I am also launching the ‘Make Mosman even Better’ paws policy for this election. I absolutely love dogs and that’s why I’m so excited about the paws program, which aims to make Mosman a more dog-friendly place. We will streamline the registration process for pet owners, install street stations across Mosman, providing secure lead attachments, water and shelter for dogs. Local venues will be encouraged to adopt dog-friendly policies with designated areas for our furry friends. Other issues include greater access to sporting facilities for girls and women.


North Sydney hosts one of NSW’s largest CBDs, with a burgeoning business community just off the Harbour Bridge. It is set for an influx of 6,600 residents in Crows Nest by 2036, with two new Metros set to open imminently. The controversial Western Harbour Tunnel and destruction of trees for such developments are major issues.



The Real Independents

This has been a short term, and as the current mayor, I want to continue the work, after a decade of chaos, of returning council to a responsive, community-focused organisation committed to real public participation, transparency, sustainability and integrity. There is a real risk that the good policies and projects of this council may be abandoned without champions at the elected level who share the values of and commitment to the priorities of our community. I have both experience and capability, having served as mayor since 2022 and councillor since 2008. More importantly, I am a passionate local resident committed to contributing to this community. I want to continue my work to ensure that North Sydney is a sustainable and amazing place to live, study, work and visit. And find creative ways to deliver new open space, reduce the levels of social isolation in our community, deliver more affordable and social housing, foster creativity and culture, protect heritage and the character of our streets and villages.

RAYNA BROWN | Australian Labor Party (ALP)

I am running for council because we are facing many important issues such as the desecration of our parks and destruction of our much-loved architectural history. We can provide the much needed low-cost housing in our area, but it must be housing done right. I have a PhD in finance and have worked in both the public and private sectors. I have written reports for the RBA, APRA and have published many articles in academic journals. I understand financial analysis and due diligence. I have served on boards in the not-for–profit sector (Tertiary Credit Union, Uniting Care) and would bring considerable corporate governance experience to council. I believe the main issues that residents would like addressed are inappropriate development and the North Sydney pool fiasco. If elected, I hope residents feel included in important decision making. I want children to have parks and excellent educational facilities. I want adults to have access to employment and health care close to home.


I am running for council as I believe I can truly represent the residents of North Sydney. As a young person in politics, I believe I can bring a fresh and innovative perspective to council. As someone who has lived, worked and gone to school in North Sydney, I believe I have a well-informed perspective of life in North Sydney, and therefore make thorough decisions. I have undertaken many leadership roles throughout high school and university and participate in student politics. I have run campaigns for the student council, which has consisted of walking and talking with students on campus. I believe this experience equips me with the confidence and drive to create council initiatives that are tailored best to the needs of the people of North Sydney. I am particularly concerned about the mental health of local residents and believe lack of green spaces directly contributes to this.


I am the current deputy mayor who seeks re-election because I want to continue the progress we have made in introducing needed social and economic reform in the LGA. The mismanagement under the previous council has been a significant obstacle to the continued improvement of North Sydney residents’ quality of life. I have three main priority areas: social justice, sustainability and good governance. My achievements in these areas include: introducing policy resolutions to improve the environment for small business; and measures to overcome the loss of open space and vegetation resulting from expansion of the Warringah Freeway. We are in a climate crisis which requires us all to work together in the move to renewable energy generation at the household level. I have sought to minimise organic waste going to landfill and want food and garden scraps to be turned into compost.


I believe that Labor, as the party historically committed to strong, well-funded public institutions, is best placed to deliver a program seeking the social betterment of our locality. For local government to run effectively, we need councillors with a strong sense of social obligation. I have pursued a career in education in various roles, and for fifteen years I have taught hearing-impaired students in state schools in the Northern Sydney region. I bring a particular perspective on building access and availability for people with disabilities. For exercise and recreation, I rely on our magnificent green spaces. These parklands, along with libraries, community centres, and performance spaces, all provide a ‘social wage’ to assist citizens. For the rising generation in particular, faced with the pressures of early career and housing affordability, strong council services can help ease the burden.


I want to give back to my local community. Local governments are often underestimated but they have an enormous impact on our everyday lives. I want to ensure that local residents feel that their voices are being heard, that there are better outcomes for local residents including those who face cost of living pressures and share my concerns about the degradation of our local environment. And that council is acting responsibly, transparently and genuinely prioritising the needs of our community – which includes not mismanaging budgets or projects. I would be a progressive voice on council. I have over a decade of experience as a litigation lawyer in a broad range of roles. I am committed to listening to the changing needs of North Sydney residents. Renewable energy initiatives should be made more accessible and affordable for residents, particularly those in high-density apartments.