Campaign to target Willoughby staff shortage

The NSW Government has launched a hospitality recruitment campaign in Willoughby to ease staff shortages.

Free courses, training and resources are part of the Kickstart Your Career in Hospitality campaign, launched in Willoughby to help ease staff shortages across the local hospitality industry.

Kevin Anderson, NSW Minister for Hospitality and Racing, said the initiative was designed to showcase the industry and highlight the range of long-term career options available throughout the sector.

“The NSW Government is already providing significant support to entice people to join the industry or upskill, through a variety of free short training courses. This will now be promoted by a targeted campaign to encourage people to consider starting their career in hospitality,” Mr Anderson said.

“Hospitality has traditionally been viewed as a short-term employment option, but this campaign highlights the broad range of opportunities that exist for people wanting a rewarding and long-term career.”

Member for Willoughby Tim James said the local program will highlight ‘the many fantastic reasons’ to join the hospitality industry as well as the range of free courses currently available through the NSW Government.

“A strong hospitality sector is absolutely critical for communities in regional NSW, now and into the future. The Kickstart your Career in Hospitality program enables community members to train for free and get the skills needed for a job at a local pub, club, café, or restaurant,” Mr James said.

The five-week campaign, designed in partnership with ClubsNSW, the Australian Hotels Association and the NSW Restaurant and Caterers Association, includes videos and advertisements run across TikTok and in partnership with Pedestrian TV.

The campaign was launched in December at the Willoughby Hotel and aims to partly address the nationwide shortage of more than 100,000 workers in the hospitality sector throughout the New Year period.