‘Lifesaving’ crisis support service launches

A peer led, community-based service providing support to locals experiencing emotional or suicidal distress has been launched in Pittwater.

The MoWaNa Northern Beaches Safe Space – short for Mona Vale, Warriewood and Narrabeen – will operate as a drop-in alternative to acute, clinical services such as emergency departments.

Kerry Gleeson, president of MoWaNa, says the ‘much-needed space’ will allow locals experiencing distress to ‘be wrapped up, given a cup of tea and [provided] connection’ before linking them with appropriate long-term support services.

“[We’re] just trying to help them in that moment to reduce their emotional distress, because sometimes it just takes connection,” she says.

“When you’re struggling, just to have that listening ear and someone to guide you and hold your hand.”

Ms Gleeson, who has worked in suicide prevention for the last six years, says the safe space will be staffed by Peer CARE Companions (PCC) – locals who either have lived experience of suicide or have supported another in crisis.

All 40 volunteer PCC’s have undergone trauma-informed training by suicide prevention organisations, the Sydney North Health Network and Northern Beaches Council to provide a compassionate peer support service.

“They’ve got that mutual understanding to support others,” Ms Gleeson tells Peninsula Living.

“To have that lived experience to help give others hope, healing and understanding can be lifesaving.”

After attending the safe space, locals will be offered an informal chat with a PCC. Should they need, volunteers will then direct them to local services and supports, including those offered by the Northern Sydney Local Health District, Northern Beaches Hospital, and other community groups.

While the service fundraises for its own space, it is offering community drop-ins on Friday and Saturday nights from 5pm – 9pm at The Mind Café in Narrabeen.

The community-led initiative has been co-designed by lived experience of suicide organisation, Roses in the Ocean, and is part of the non-profit’s national Safe Space project.

For more information, visit the MoWaNa Northern Beaches Safe Space Facebook page or call 0478 007 722.