New program to support parenthood

The Mum for Mum program has officially arrived in the Northern Beaches to connect new parents with dedicated and well-trained volunteers that offer support throughout the first year of parenthood.

For the past 15 years, 200 volunteers from over 75 different nationalities and residing in 130 postcodes have been tirelessly supporting mothers.

The organisation celebrated its arrival on the Beaches with a launch event at the United Cinemas in Collaroy. Sophie Scamps MP and Northern Beaches councillor Michael Gencher were present at the launch.

Nadene Alhadeff, chief executive officer of Mum for Mum, says it is a safe and caring program that ‘holds the hand’ of the new parents, especially mothers, through the transition to motherhood.

“There was a similar program in Israel. I adapted this to Australia, to the needs of the communities,” Nadene said. “The first programs were in the Eastern Suburbs. Then, we set up the first program on the North Shore. We’ve already organically supported mothers on the Northern Beaches, so it was a natural progression. And also, the chair of our organisation, Di Schaefer, is a Northern Beaches local.”

The program partners with the South Narrabeen Surf Lifesavers Club, which provides premises for training and supervising volunteers and hosting mothers’ groups.

The Mum for Mum program’s expansion to the Northern Beaches signifies a significant milestone in its mission to provide essential support to new mothers, fathers or same-sex couples, empowering them and fostering strong bonds between mothers and their children.

“Sometimes people contact us when they’re thinking about having a baby, because if they know they have somebody who cares, listens, and can guard them, it’ll make all the difference. Motherhood (can be) very isolating, very lonely,” she explains.

Nadene also explains that the program does not offer or seek to replace specialised professional services, but acts as an additional source of support.

“Volunteers visit the mother in their home or at a place of her choice once a week for the first year of her babies from the last trimester of pregnancy. And it’s about emotional support. We are not the professionals – doctors, counsellors – but we can hold their hand and get them to the Northern Beaches’ resources and enable them.”

To facilitate the program’s expansion on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Mum for Mum is seeking volunteers with older children who have flexible schedules and are willing to learn.

For more information, access to the services, or to become a volunteer, visit: