Pittwater MP claims bill stymied

The communities of the Northern Beaches will suffer if a proposed bill to stop off-shore mining is not passed, Pittwater MP Rory Amon claims.

In late June, Mr Amon put forward the Minerals Legislation Amendment (Offshore Drilling And Associated Infrastructure Prohibition) Bill 2023. The bill proposes to stop a permit, known as PEP-11, which allows gas and oil exploration from Manly all the way up to the Central Coast.

While Mr Amon was able to complete his first reading speech, the legislative assembly then voted to send the bill to a committee to be examined – with a reporting date in six months. Minister for Local Government, Ron Hoenig, said the bill posed ‘serious constitutional issues that need to be resolved’.

Mr Amon expressed outrage at the move, which was supported by Labor and the Greens. “The reality is that, if this referral goes to a committee, it will be kicked over to when this Parliament next sits (in 2024),” he said in Parliament. “We all know that in that time, the PEP-11 licence could be approved by the (federal/state) joint authority, it could progress, seismic blasting could occur and our coastal communities could be at risk.

“Our communities do not have another six months. Our coastline does not have another six months.”

Prior to the March State Election, now-Premier Chris Minns said NSW Labor opposed PEP-11. Mr Amon said in a statement. “Over many years, Labor MPs have repeatedly said they would stop offshore gas mining and exploration

“Over 100 days into this government, they’ve had a chance to do so and did nothing.”

He reiterated his point in parliament, saying: “This Government is paralysed by indecision and by its inability to lead.”

Advent Energy, which currently holds the only licence for off-shore exploration and drilling for the NSW Coast, had appealed the former Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s unilateral decision to deny a further permit. Mr Morrison had made the decision without the proper authority. The case is yet to be resolved.