Draft plan now open to community feedback

The Northern Beaches Council has opened its lines for the community to ‘have their say’ on a plan that seeks to revitalise Brookvale and give the area a new vibrant and diverse look.

After years of review, the long-awaited revised draft Brookvale Structure Plan (draft BSP) has been finalised. Now, the Northern Beaches Council is seeking community input on the revised plans, which aim to create a vibrant precinct that supports job growth in professional, industrial, and creative businesses, more diverse housing options, and increase community and green space.

A first draft structure plan was released in 2017 and identified, among other things, a need for more extensive traffic and transport analysis. The draft BSP has been designed to improve the area over the next 15 years and is informed by the transport analysis, an employment study, community feedback, and other significant changes such as the success of the B-Line, the rise of people working from home, and new government policies on employment lands and housing.

As a result, the draft BSP now includes support for 975 new jobs, including high-quality office space; 5,000 square metres of new public open space and improvements to streetscapes; 1,300 new homes; a new town centre around the B-Line stop; community facilities, including a new community centre; and improved pedestrian and bike connectivity.

Council CEO Ray Brownlee said the draft plan aims to facilitate the growing demands for local jobs, industrial space, arts and creative studios, and housing on the Northern Beaches.

“The draft plan is underpinned by rigorous traffic, transport, employment, and housing studies and strategies, and includes changes which address the feedback Council received during the last public consultation phase,” Mr Brownlee said.

“It’s now up to the community, to have a look at what is proposed and have a say.”

The Brookvale Structure Plan will be available for community feedback until 28 February 2023. Visit Council’s Have Your Say webpage for summaries, informational videos, and details of community drop-ins.