Mosman Council’s draft (revised) MOSPLAN Delivery Program 2022-2026 (incorporating a review of the 2022-2032 Long Term Financial Plan), and 2023-2024 Operational Plan, Budget and Fees and Charges have been placed on public exhibition for community.

MOSPLAN is a suite of planning documents prepared by Mosman Council as part of its Integrated Planning and Reporting obligations.  MOSPLAN 2022-2032 reflects the aspirations of the Mosman community and its elected Council. Its objective is to ensure that services are delivered in effective manner and planned in a financially sustainable way.

The draft documents are available in the Mosman Council website and can also be viewed at Council’s Customer Service Centre and at Barry O’Keefe Library.

Submissions on the draft documents will be received by Council until Sunday 14 May. Submissions can also be sent by regular mail, email to or via the online submission form here.

For more information, visit Mosman Council website.