In wake of last year’s devastating fish kill and pollution incidents at Flat Rock Creek, Willoughby City Council has resolved to work with NSW and the Australian Governments to protect the local area.

At its 12 December 2022 meeting, Council endorsed the recommendations of a Mayoral Minute outlining a series of actions it will take to fight for the creek’s natural qualities and ecological health.

Willoughby Mayor Tanya Taylor said Council will take a range of actions to help the creek bounce back and return better than ever.

“In this catchment, we currently have four gross pollutant traps to trap waste before it enters the waterway and 15 bio-filtration devices, which are effectively gardens on the side of the road which intercept and help filter stormwater,” Mayor Taylor said.

“Council intends to install a further ten bio-filtration devices in this catchment over next 24 months, with three under construction at the moment.”

“With the support of my fellow Councillors, and hopefully with the backing of the NSW and Australian Governments, we now want to take the next steps to protect and enhance the catchment into the future,” she finished.