Northern Beaches Council has announced the release of its first Economic Development Strategy (Business on the Beaches) following its vision to grow and support local businesses.

Northern Beaches Mayor Michael Regan said the draft strategy recognises the unique nature of the area’s local economy, as well as its challenges and opportunities over the next 10 years.

“We love our local businesses and want to support them now and into the future,” he said.

“This economic development strategy identifies the challenges our economy faces, the opportunities available and sets out our aspirations for the next decade.”

“Our draft economic development strategy sets out key opportunities and the actions we can take now and into the future to grow and support our vibrant local economy.”

The draft strategy was prepared by specialist economic development firm NDP Economic Development with the assistance of Council staff and follows a thorough analysis of the current economic climate and consultation with the Northern Beaches community.

Business on the Beaches will be on public exhibition for 8 weeks on Your Say from 30 January 2023.

To view the draft plan, or to give your feedback, visit: