Comments on Section 8 (Allambie Heights) of the Pipeline Active Transport Corridor project for the Northern Beaches are now open.

Section 8 of the Pipeline Active Transport Corridor is a 650m shared path linking Allambie Road to Ethie Road, crossing Mortain Avenue near Lena Avenue. This is the last section of the Sydney Water pipeline and links Allambie Heights to Beacon Hill.

The detailed plans for Section 8 are available on the Northern Beaches Council website. Allambie Heights’ community is welcome to leave its input on the proposed plans, including suggested bench locations and two new raised pedestrian crossings.

The Pipeline Active Transport Corridor will provide a 9.2km, 2.5 to 4 metre shared user path from Beacon Hill to St Ives, providing walkers and cyclists with a wider and safer connection to their destinations.

For more information and to leave your feedback, visit Northern Beaches Council website.

The comments on Section 8 will close on Monday 3 April 2023.