It is a silent work that has been regenerating and keeping bushland green and healthy. Over the years, hundreds of locals have been volunteering their time and energy to return weed-infested and neglected land to its original state.

The fruits of their work can be seen and heard in each bird or wild animal that continues to live in the neighbourhood.

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the program, Stanton Library is exhibiting Bushcare memorabilia, which be hosted from 29 April to 30 May 2023 and where visitors can view the complete collection of hard copy and digital Bushcare newsletters that have been added to the Local History section.

The Bushcare started in 1960’s when Mosman sisters Joan and Eileen Bradley regenerated some local bushland, inspiring North Sydney’s neighbours to follow their steps in their own areas.

In 1993, North Sydney Council formalised volunteer bush regeneration and created the program ‘Bushcare’, providing education, guidance and support to volunteers to restore native bushland.

To become a volunteer and for more information, visit North Sydney Council website here.