Balgowlah Community Garden | Balgowlah Love gardening and being outdoors? Join a working bee and help with the maintenance and growth of the wonderful Balgowlah Community Garden. Every month on Saturday, members participate in community-based activities that contribute to the health of...


Mentoring Men are seeking volunteers for men to be professionally trained to support other men in the community. A non-profit organisation, Mentoring Men offers free on-to-one life mentoring to support another man through his life challenges. Men who seek help are carefully...


HammondCare Australia | Northern Beaches   Become a volunteer photographer for HammondCare and give people who are receiving end-of-life palliative care services the opportunity to feel special and capture a moment in time. We anticipate that the session with last for approximately one...


The Stella James House | Avalon   Help the National Trust protect our heritage by undertaking a regular volunteer commitment. The National Trust is looking for volunteers at the Stella James House. In 1933 Estelle James and Clare Stevenson, flat dwellers from the...


Royal Far West | Manly   Do you have a passion for history? Become a volunteer and help Royal Far West (RFW) to preserve its historical collection. Royal Far West will celebrate 100 years of service in December 2024. To be prepared for...


Save the Children Australia Op Shop | Dee Why   Roll up your sleeves and get stuck in as a volunteer retail assistant at Save the Children’s Op shop in Dee Why. From sorting through donations to steaming and arranging items on...


Gig Buddies | Northern Beaches Do you like going to see live music or sporting events? Do you want to enable a person with a learning disability and/or autism to go to events and get out more? Then you could make...


Primary Ethics | Newport Volunteer ethics teachers are being sought for Newport Primary School, to ensure that all NSW children are able to access the varied ethics programme. Primary Ethics is the sole approved provider of ethics classes in more than 450...


Royal Australian Artillery Historical Company | Manly Are you interested in history? The Royal Australian Artillery Historical Company is looking for volunteers who are interested in assist maintaining and developing a digital record of the Australian artillery history. Team members will have...


Anglicare Aged Care | Warriewood   What better way to spend a day than surrounded by beautiful flowers? Anglicare is looking for reliable volunteers to assist residents with flower arranging at their Warriewood aged care facility for one to two hours each...