Dozens plead in person to retain North Sydney Kylea Tink has made a very personal speech to an Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) inquiry in a last-ditch effort to stop her seat of North Sydney from abolition. The embattled MP was invited to...


Pittwater is without an MP following the shock resignation of Rory Amon over allegations of historical child sexual assault. On Friday 30 August, Police charged Mr Amon with 10 counts of sexual assault of a child alleged to have occurred in...


Western Harbour Tunnel outlet outcry It’s been called a ‘chicken nugget,’ but the proposed Western Harbour Tunnel (WHT) ventilation outlet is causing more than a few clucks. The draft WHT Place, Design and Landscape Plan has been put on exhibition and is...


Mackellar MP Sophie Scamps has launched a campaign to save the Aussie Bush. “So many of us choose to live on the Northern Beaches of Sydney because of the amazing natural environment,” Dr Scamps said. “But Australia is a world leader when...


Narrabeen athletic track closed until 2025 The closure of the Sydney Academy of Sport athletic track in Narrabeen due to ‘bubbling’ is set to extend through the 2024/25 season, as clubs and schools across the Beaches run out of patience. The NSW...


Failure to nominate ends campaign for 6 councillors The failure of the Liberal Party to nominate its six sitting councillors on the Northern Beaches has wiped the party out of power on a future council, stymieing attempts at gaining the mayoral...


Food delivery e-bikers targeted in safety push Willoughby City Council is taking action to address e-bike safety, particularly for food delivery riders, following reports of unsafe riding. At a council meeting on 24 June, several courses of action were agreed upon following...


Families being turned away from support The Dalwood Spilstead Service in Seaforth is fighting to secure long-term funding following the withdrawal of grants from the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) at the end of June. DSS wants to secure the future...


Government cracks the whip for stragglers North Sydney Council has been ranked the second slowest for development application (DA) processing out of all urban councils. Councils are being held accountable for their processing speeds, as the State Government pushes to speed up...


Hopes DV event will spark charge Organisers of the first conference on domestic violence (DV) on the Beaches are hoping it will kickstart a movement to stop one in four women being killed every four days in Australia by an intimate...