Wednesday, 26th March

The Federal Government revealed its 2025-2026 budget to the public, with key details being both praised and criticised by Warringah MP Zali Steggall. One of the key promises in the budget includes $17 billion in tax cuts, which Ms Steggall has...

Monday, 24th March

A man faced court on Saturday, charged with alleged sexual offences in Sydney’s North Shore. At about 3.30am on Thursday (20 March 2025), a 36-year-old woman caught a bus to Neutral Bay after finishing work. While walking down Wycombe Road, the woman...

Saturday, 22nd March

women to prioritise their health by booking a free mammogram. With over 38,000 women screened across the Northern Sydney Local Health District in 2024, the campaign aims to raise awareness about the importance of regular breast screenings. Meredith Kay, Director of...

Friday, 21st March

Mosman Council will be hosting a Community Information Session on Wednesday 9 April so residents can learn more about the NSW Government’s recently announced Low and Mid-Rise Housing Policy planning changes. The session aims to help attendees understand more about the...

Thursday, 20th March

Northern Beaches Council advised residents to take extra precautions against mosquitoes after Barmah Forest Virus was detected in mosquitoes trapped at Narrabeen Lagoon. Council partners with NSW Health to trap mosquitoes at key locations on the Beaches, to monitor the numbers...


It’s the seat the whole of Australia is watching. Bradfield, which has scooped up a third of the abolished North Sydney electorate, will be a contest between Independent Nicolette Boele, who caused a 15% swing against incumbent Paul Fletcher in...


Candidates from the Bradfield electorate will be convening for a community forum at the St Ives Community Centre. The Australian Conservation Foundation will host the forum, which will focus on issues such as nature protection and renewables. Candidates in attendance will...