Locals have their say on Beaches bus chaos

In a bid to alleviate the ‘public transport crisis’ across New South Wales, the newly created Bus Industry Taskforce has met for the first time in Dee Why.

The ‘Passenger Forum’ on 24 June was to allow residents to have their say on the issues which have plagued local bus services since they were privatised 15 months ago, including cancellations, delays and long queues.

With community feeling regarding bus services at an all-time low, Wakehurst MP Michael Regan said it was ‘crucial’ the State Government invested in public transport, as congestion continued to grow. “For too long the Beaches has had to put up with deteriorating and unreliable public transport options,” he said.

The independent MP urged Transport Minister Jo Haylen to speak to drivers at the Brookvale Bus Depot regarding issues they have been facing since Keolis Downer’s $900 million contract was signed off in October 2021. Mr Regan argues this would allow the government to ‘gain a better understanding’ of what it can do to boost bus management and services for both drivers and passengers.

The Bus Industry Taskforce was established by the new Labor Government on 1 May to deliver on an election pledge to deal with the privatisation fall-out.

It will focus on service delivery,, employment of drivers and on infrastructure and technology that supports the delivery of bus services.

The 12-month investigation will provide a final report and recommendations by 1 May next year.

Minister Haylen confirmed that improvements to contract management and service planning, alongside attracting more drivers, were all essential to ensure ‘better services were delivered.’ “Passengers have had enough of service cancellations and routes being cut. They expect better bus services, and we need to do better,” she said.

Following the recent fatal Hunter Valley coach crash, Ms Haylen said the Taskforce would also examine what needed to be done to improve passenger safety. Possible solutions are the enforcement of seat-belt laws, and examining whether improvements were needed to safety management systems – including driver training – or the Australian Design Rules for buses.


By Catherine Lewis