This year’s Balmoral Burn has raised $1.5 million so far to continue the Humpty Dumpty Foundation’s important work of providing Australian hospitals and health services with much-needed, and often lifesaving, medical equipment and healthcare initiatives.

The fundraising commenced on 24 May 2024 at the prestigious, invitation-only Sponsors’ Dinner, hosted by Humpty Ambassador and long-time supporter Johanna Griggs AM.

On 26 May, over 5,000 people took part in race day, including Balmoral Burn creator and ambassador Phil Kearns.

The Elite Invitational Male – ‘King of the Hill’ was won by Luke Boyes, and the Elite Invitational Female – ‘Queen of the Hill’ was won by Bethany Halmy.

Australia’s first inflatable baby suit race, ‘Run Baby Run,’ was inspired by Tim Akers, a solitary inflatable baby in the 2023 race. He was motivated to take on Sydney’s steepest hill run by his son Archie, aged two. Archie was born three months early at only 900 grams and spent 12 weeks in Royal Prince Alfred Hospital using equipment donated by the Humpty Dumpty Foundation.

“Weekends like this really aren’t possible without the generous hearts of corporate organisations and the community,” said Humpty Dumpty’s CEO Clair Reaney. “So, a huge thank you goes to everyone who has taken part over the last few days.”

“It is with this generosity and support that hospitals and health services right across Australia will receive lifesaving medical equipment that will ensure improved and positive health outcomes for Australian children,”  said Ms Reaney.

“I very much look forward to seeing you again on the hill in 2025,” she added.