Arcadia Pittwater Private Hospital celebrated its 5th anniversary on 6 February 2023, with a very special guest: its first ever patient, Kathy Hill.

Mrs Hill, of Wheeler Heights, was the first patient to be treated at the 85-bed sub-acute care Northern Beaches hospital when it opened on February 6, 2018. The 60-year-old underwent back surgery and coincidently returned a year later for its first anniversary and has been back several times since for care and support, even serving on the hospital’s consumer representative committee.

Mrs Hill isn’t the only “regular”, many of the 6,800 inpatients have returned for subsequent visits and the hospital has provided healthcare support for 47,000-day rehabilitation visits.

Developed by Arcadia Health Care, Arcadia Pittwater Private Hospital offered a new model of care, focused on sub-acute care in a boutique hotel-like environment. The model has inspired other health providers such as Matilda Health Care, that has developed a new hospital, Matilda Nepean, modelled as Arcadia Pittwater but in Western Sydney.