The Northern Beaches is set to become greener and more connected thanks to the NSW Government’s ‘Greening our City’ initiative that will green Curl Curl and Mona Vale with over 6000 native trees, shrubs and ground cover. The makeover will also include removing the tenacious weed species that have currently overrun both locations.

The Flora and Ritchie Roberts Reserve in Curl Curl has been selected as the first location to receive the ‘Greening our City’ treatment. Bush regenerators are currently removing all weed species before the planting of natives can commence.

Mona Vale Dunes will be the second location to welcome the initiative, with weeding set to commence shortly. The planting of trees, shrubs and ground cover will take place in 2024.

The Northern Beaches Council is encouraging residents to get involved and help green up the spaces. Through the Bushcare Volunteer program, community members can assist in preserving and maintaining natural areas. Tools, training, and guidance in bush regeneration techniques will be provided.

To participate, contact the Bushcare Team at