Surfing through the waves of adversity is something the Northern Beaches Para Surfer Boardriders do every day.

Avalon Surfer Emma Dieters unexpectedly became an incomplete quadriplegic at age 42, after developing a bulging disc in her neck which affected her ability to ride the waves. Discectomy and fusion surgery in 2021 didn’t go as expected, and Emma was left with a diagnosis of ‘C4 ASIA D Incomplete Quad’.

Despite this she was keen to get back in the water.

“As soon as I got cleared to ride a board, I went out in the surf and gave it a crack,” Emma says.

Para surfer Sam Bloom, whose story featured in the film Penguin Bloom, was an inspiration to Emma, lending her a board and encouraging her to get into the competition side of things.

Emma wanted to give others with physical disabilities the chance to surf so, with three other local para surfers, she formed the Northern Beaches Para Surfer Boardriders club (NBPSB).

“There was no grassroots pathway to the Australian Championships – no local competitions for us to participate in,” Emma says. “And the community interest is mind-blowing. I really didn’t think it would grow as quickly as it has.”

Starting off with four members, they’re up to 12 now. “We’ve had people come from Western Australia. There’s definitely a need for this club.”

They surf with Mona Vale Boardriders, who are very supportive, but Emma is hoping the club will grow to a level where they can go out on their own, become mobile and utilise many of the local beaches.

The club officially opened in June. Left chair Max Devery, Prone Surfer (WA), Left standing Kirk Watson, Blind Surfer, Middle Standing John Crampton, Lower Leg Amputee, Middle Chair Sam Bloom Prone Unassisted Div, Right Chair Chris Astill Prone Unassisted Div, Right Standing Seb Access Adventures

“We’ve got different needs to a normal boardriders club. The entry and exit is a potential issue. We need to find the safest place to get in and out of the water and the safest place to have people with major injuries. Some are blind.”

The club did well at the recent Australian Titles, with Emma taking first place in the Prone Non-assist section, beating Sam Bloom who took second place. It means that Emma, along with other club members, will represent Australia in the World Para Surfing Championships in California in November.

The club is supported by local organisations and they raised funds from a recent raffle, but they need more. Emma says the equipment is “ridiculously expensive”.

The last two years haven’t been easy on Emma.

“Reality is only just starting to kick in and it’s been a little harder to stay positive. But when I talk to people about this stuff, it reminds me to keep being positive and keep working hard.”

For more information about the club, or to donate, look up Northern Beaches Para Surfer BC on Facebook or northernbeaches parasurfer_bc in Instagram.