AUGUST- Monthly Mayor Update

Mayor Tanya Taylor shares updates from the August 2024 Council meeting. Key items include the decision to address concerns about recent bus schedule changes, endorsement of the Cycling Strategy and Action Plan 2034 for public exhibition and plans to delegate authority to Willoughby City Council General Manager Hugh Phemister, during the caretaker period as the Local Government elections approach.

An overview of Council’s strong progress in project delivery as outlined in the Delivery Program 2022-26, with 87 per cent of projects on track or completed and confirmation that the first year of the Customer Experience Strategy has been successfully implemented.

Mayor Tanya Taylor acknowledges and thanks Brendon Zhu’s contributions to Council, as he steps down after serving two terms. Plus Willoughby’s much-loved Emerge Festival will be launching on the 1st of September.


JULY- Monthly Mayor Update

Mayor Tanya Taylor of Willoughby shares updates from the July 2024 Council meeting. Key items include approving a lease for Devonshire Street Childcare Centre to Heritage House, adopting the Castlecrag Griffin Reserve Action Plans 2024, and amending the Willoughby Local Environmental Plan 2012.

Also, a new Digital Strategy will be exhibited for public feedback and council approved memorial plaques for Captain Edward ‘Ted’ Wilson in Willoughby Park and Emeritus Mayor Pat Reilly at The Concourse Concert Hall.

The Warners Park nursery will be extended, and a $7500 grant will support the centenary of Trumper Pavilion at Chatswood Oval.


JUNE- Monthly Mayor Update

Mayor Tanya Taylor provides the latest news from across Council, including highlights such as welcoming the new General Manager, planning proposals, community initiatives, and support for neighboring councils.

Additionally, the Mayor announced plans to extend the cost-free use of Bellambi Square for food trucks and the launch of the Council’s “Support Local” campaign to showcase Willoughby’s local businesses.


MAY- Monthly Mayor Update

Mayor Tanya Taylor provides the latest news from across Council, including the launch of the Canopy of Life Tree Festival and updates from the May Ordinary Council Meeting.

Highlights include remembrance of the late Willoughby Mayor Noel Reidy, recent awards made under the Grants for the Community program, and information on the Council policies currently on public exhibition.


APRIL- Monthly Mayor Update

Mayor Taylor provides highlights from the April 2024 Council Meeting, including reflections on ANZAC Day and Council’s draft 2024–25 Operational Plan.

Also featured is the upcoming public exhibition of a new Volunteering Strategy, and congratulations for the Willoughby District Historical Society on its 50th Anniversary.


MARCH- Monthly Mayor Update

Mayor Taylor provides her monthly video update with highlights from the last council meeting including recently adopting a comprehensive Public Spaces and Recreation Strategy aimed at guiding the planning and management of leisure areas for the next decade. Council also updated the Complaints Management Policy based on feedback from local residents.

Concerns over the redevelopment of The Quadrangle have been acknowledged, and plans for the Royal North Shore Hospital’s master plan are being supported with community engagement efforts. Additionally, the Council has submitted its stance on Low and Mid-rise housing reforms. Finally, various notices of motion were passed, including initiatives to enhance bus services and improve pedestrian safety, while community events like the Seniors Gala Concert and upcoming concerts with renowned pianist Winnie Su underscore the city’s commitment to cultural enrichment and community engagement.


FEBRUARY- Monthly Mayor Update

Mayor Taylor provides her monthly video update with highlights from the February 2024 Council meeting including appointment of Council’s interim CEO Hugh Phemister. A Mayoral Minute to acknowledge retiring CEO Debra Just’s contributions over the last nine years. Details on the update of Council’s Major Project Framework and the Willoughby Leisure Centre’s upgrade expected completion date.


JANUARY- Monthly Mayor Update

In her message, Mayor Tanya Taylor provides her monthly video update with highlights from the January 2024 Council meeting, including Council endorsing an application for a 15 per cent rate increase. A Mayoral minute of remembrance was dedicated to former Councillor Judith Rutherford, Council highlighted recent successes in the Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony and Awards. Updates on the Willoughby South Parking Study and improvement projects were shared, and the retirement of Chief Executive Officer Debra Just was announced. The Council expresses gratitude for Debra’s lasting contributions to the community.



DECEMBER- Monthly Mayor Update

In her message, Mayor Tanya Taylor shares her monthly video update with highlights from the December 2023 Council meeting including waiving fees new outdoor dining areas created as part of the Artarmon Streetscape Upgrade project, adoption of the REFLECT Reconciliation Action Plan, an update on the Willoughby Leisure Centre upgrade and the endorsement of a memorial seat in honour and memory of late resident Dr Dennis Arnold at Harold Reid Reserve.


NOVEMBER- Monthly Mayor Update

In her message, Mayor Tanya Taylor provides the highlights from the November 2023 Council meeting including the election of Deputy Mayor Cr Nic Wright, the selection of the preferred rate rise option, financial reports, and a ‘Try an Electric Bike Day’ to be held in conjunction with Willoughby Public School. A new requirement to display a copy of the Vegetation Management Application approval for tree removal works was also adopted and a number of notices of motion were passed through Council.


OCTOBER- Monthly Mayor Update

In her message, Mayor Tanya Taylor shares the highlights from the October 2023 Council meeting including acknowledging fellow Councillors Eriksson, Rozos and Wright for their civic service and contribution to our community. Council endorsed the public exhibition of the Community Participation Plan, the Public Spaces and Recreation Strategy 2023 will placed on exhibition, and the O.H Reid Reserve and the Broomham, Forsyth and Killingsworth Parks Reserve Action Plans have been adopted by Council.

The updated Risk Management Policy 2023 has been endorsed as well as an increase in parking fees was endorsed to align Willoughby Council’s metered parking rates with industry benchmarks and neighbouring councils.


SEPTEMBER – Monthly Mayor Update

In her message, Mayor Tanya Taylor highlights details of Council’s motion to review the legislative regime for tree protection, the adoption of the Night Time Economy Strategy, an amendment to our Delivery Program stating Council will conduct community engagement on options to deliver ongoing financial stability and an agreement to put proposed fees and charges of the Operation Plan 2023/24 on public exhibition.


AUGUST – Monthly Mayor Update

Mayor Tanya provides her monthly video update with highlights from the August 2023 Council meeting including details of her Mayoral Minute reiterating support for the ‘Uluru Statement of the Heart’, the progress of our 2022/23 delivery program, an update on our draft LEP and amendment to our Affordable Housing Policy.


JULY – Monthly Mayor Update

Mayor Tanya provides her monthly video update with highlights from the June 2023 Council meeting including details of the three Mayoral Minutes, adoption of the 2023/24 Operational Plan and revised Long Term Financial Plan 2023-2033, outcomes from the Devonshire St tender and new planning proposals for Chatswood and North Willoughby.


JUNE – Monthly Mayor Update

In her message, Mayor Tanya Taylor highlights the vibrant community events and exciting progress happening in our city. From new infrastructure projects to upcoming festivals, discover the latest news and initiatives that make our city a wonderful place to live, work, and play.


MAY – Monthly Mayor Update

In her message, Mayor Tanya Taylor shares the outcomes of the April 2023 Willoughby City Council meeting.

Mayor Taylor discusses the endorsement of the new public square and highlights how pedestrian safety has been enhanced by removing traffic turning left into Bellambi Street from Sailors Bay Road.

She speaks about the council’s commitment to customer service excellence and the Council’s Customer Service Strategy.

She also mentions the expansion of the membership of the Willoughby local planning panel to meet legislative requirements.


APRIL – Monthly Mayor Update

Mayor Tanya Taylor shares the highlights from March’s 2023 Willoughby City Council meeting in her message.

Mayor Tanya also speaks about other events coming up including Youth Week on 20-30 April, 2023, and the Reconciliation Action Plan Next Steps.