The annual North Sydney Council Garden competition will give local environmental engineers and keen gardeners the chance to show off their horticultural prowess.

The competition will be split into several categories, ranging from balconies and courtyards – which will celebrate the maximising of small-space gardening such as pots and ornaments – and children’s gardens, which will reward those green spaces created or cared for by children. Entries in the edible garden section will be able to be either private or community-based, while those competing in the indoor garden category will be tasked with ‘getting creative,’ despite not having any outdoor space.

Entry to the competition is free and open to all residents, businesses or groups in the North Sydney Local Government Area, with participants able to enter several categories. At the judge’s discretion, any garden entries may automatically be judged in categories other than the one entered.

Entries close on 30 August, with judging scheduled from 11 to 22 September. Entrants will be asked to nominate a time for a judge to visit and view their garden, with inspections taking place between 8.30am and 3.30pm on weekdays, from  11 September until 22 September.

The competition winners will be announced at a presentation evening event in October, with invitations to this event sent out following judging.

For further information regarding the competition, contact Council’s Landscape Planning and Design team on 9936 8104, or email