While the UK was celebrating Charles III’s coronation in London, the Northern Beaches had regal-themed parties for the occasion – with all the pomp and circumstance.

Our very own long-time freelance journalist, English-born Niki Waldegrave, has blue blood running through her veins and wanted to celebrate her own links to royalty – however tenuous. “Am related to our future kings William and George, so I figured we may as well get in on the act – it would have been churlish not to!” Niki says.

In a homage to Spice Girl Geri Halliwell in her heyday, Niki wore a sparkly British flag dress at a very royal party in Brookvale. Brits, Aussies, Greeks and Germans were amongst the royal sympathisers, with Channel 7 also coming to the party to watch the champagne flowing.



Royal paraphernalia dotted about included a framed original souvenir special from Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation on 2 June 1953 and a limited edition collector’s item plate of William and Kate’s wedding (there were only 2000 made). Not to mention 100 metres of Union Jack bunting and countless flags, napkins and everything else with Charlie’s face emblazoned across them.

Niki explains that her ‘link’ to the royals dates right back to the king who topped off a few of his wives, Henry VIII. “The Waldegrave lineage is linked to the late Princess of Wales, Diana Spencer, albeit by a few hundred years,” Niki says. “We also have links to Henry VIII’s second wife, Anne Boleyn, Walt Disney and Winston Churchill.”

While Niki has never been able to snap up a prince – or king – herself – she now resides in Australia and loves to raise a glass to Old Blighty when given the chance.

Niki says a royally fun night was had by all, and huge apologies to anyone kept awake with rousing choruses of God Save the King!