The Federal government’s decision to withdraw $75 million of funding for the Wakehurst Parkway has caused a major blow to Northern Beaches infrastructure and the community.

Concerns were raised by Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes who said the upgrades of this project were crucial for the local government area’s safety and easing of congestion and even argued to the Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Catherine King how desperately needed the funding was.

“The Independent Member for Mackellar Sophie Scamps’ claim that the NSW government is to blame for Labor’s decision to withdraw funding for the Parkway is farcical,” said Mr Stokes.

While expressing his disappointment of the decision, Mr Stokes also argued the deferral of the Beaches Link was irrelevant to the upgrade of the Wakehurst Parkway – being two separate roads and projects.

“We really need Dr Scamps to hold her Federal Parliamentary colleagues to account and contribute to the upgrade of the Wakehurst Parkway, rather than make excuses for them,” he said.

Minister for Metropolitan Roads Natalie Ward was also disappointed by the Federal government’s decision, saying it has walked away from a project that would have improved the lives of working families on the Northern Beaches by increasing safety and reducing congestion.

“I am disappointed that since Dr Scamps has come into office, it has taken just one Federal Budget for people on the Northern Beaches to be forgotten by the new Labor Federal government,” said Ms Ward.