Animal justice groups and residents across the Northern Beaches attended a rally for the koalas on 30 September, also known as ‘save the koala day.’

The rally comes after members of the community claimed there were multiple threats to these species on the Northern Beaches including, loss of habitat – due to development, disease, global heating and bushfires.

Around 50 people came together for the rally, including members of the Northern Beaches Manly Greens, Pittwater’s Knitting Nannas and Save Manly Dam Bushland chair Julia Walsh – which was organised by a number of environmental groups.

Northern Beaches residents also joined the rally, and together the group marched to NSW environment and heritage minister James Griffin’s office.

Advocating groups across the Northern Beaches are now encouraging residents to sign and share save Sydney’s koala’s Parliamentary petition by 15 November.

To sign the petition, visit: